Vehicle Details:
Four wheel Anti-Lock Braking System - A break in the weather. When you need to stop fast, you can't have it depend on the road and/or weather conditions. Four wheel ABS Brakes pump the brakes more quickly than a driver could, so the wheels won't lock up even if you slam on the brakes. That results in significantly reducing stopping distances and improved steering control. Get the stopping power you need with Four Wheel ABS Brakes.
4-wheel disc brakes - covered all the way around. The most basic safety feature of your vehicle is the brakes, and 4-wheel disc brakes have you covered from front to back. Instead of being located on just the front wheels, there are discs on the rear wheels as well, increasing your vehicles ability to slow down quickly without over-heating the braking system. Get stopping power that doesn’t quit with 4-wheel disc brakes.
6 airbags - Air on the safe side. Collisions are often unexpected, but you have the peace of mind of extra protection should they occur. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with 6 airbags.
Airbag occupancy sensor - people smart. Airbag occupancy sensor is a smarter way to protect your passenger. Using a sensor to determine the size and position of the passenger, it will deploy the correct airbags with the right intensity in case of a collision. Airbag occupancy sensor offers better protection to the smaller passengers and more peace of mind for you.
Analog instrumentation display -- A dashboard revolution - Get nostalgic with analog instrumentation display. We love our technology, but there's nothing quite like burying the needle. Wherever you’re going, take tradition with you with analog instrumentation display.
Fully automatic headlamp control - convenience you can see. Forgetting to turn on your lights is an easy mistake to make, but it can be a safety hazard for you and others. Forget all your worries with fully automatic headlamp control. The built-in sensor turns the headlights on or off based the level of ambient light so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road to find the controls. Plus you don't have to worry about accidentally leaving the lights on and draining your battery. Day or night, automatic headlamp control is the right amount of light.
Predictive brake assist - Be prepared for your big brake. Predictive brake assist monitors the available distance in front of you compared to your vehicles speed. If your speed exceeds the required distance to stop short of a collision, it readies your brakes to apply maximum stopping force when you use them. Predictive brake assist helps see to it that you stop.
Configurable gauges - Your ride, your view. Configurable gauges allow you to choose the information you want to see, where you want to see it. With a clear view of the information you need from the configurable gauges, you have one less thing on your mind.
Curtain first and second row overhead airbags - Protection from the top down, inside and out. In the event of a collision the curtain airbags cover the windows, keeping you and your passengers in the vehicle and preventing outside glass and debris from entering. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with Curtain first and second row overhead airbags
Delay-off headlamps - Extra time in the light. You don’t have to stumble around in the dark after you get out, thanks to delay-off headlamps. When the vehicle is turned off the headlamps stay on so you can see where you’re going once you get out. They will then turn off automatically after a pre-set amount of time. When it comes to walking from your car at night, delay-off headlamps are a bright idea.
Driver front impact airbag - Safer on all fronts. Driver front-impact airbag is designed to decrease the risk of serious head, chest and knee injury that can be happen when your body is thrown with force against the steering wheel or dashboard. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with driver front-impact airbag.
Forward collision mitigation - Forward thinking. You look away for just a second and suddenly the vehicle in front of you has stopped. That's when the forward collision mitigation system comes to life. When it senses an impending impact, it will activate a combination of features to help prevent or reduce the severity of an accident. Forward collision mitigation is always looking ahead.
Fade dome light - Don’t be left in the dark. Fade dome light ensures that when you’re putting your stuff down, or gathering it up, there will be light. It remains on for several seconds after the doors have been shut or the vehicle turned off and then dims, making it easier to handle all the extra stuff you’ve brought along. Fade dome light make your cargo a little lighter.
Following distance alert. Create a safe space. Following distance alert allows you to select a comfortable gap between you and the vehicle ahead - then monitors and alerts you when the gap is too close. Giving yourself time and space means a safer drive thanks to following distance alert.
Pedestrian impact prevention - An extra step toward safety. Pedestrians don't always stop, look, and listen, but with Pedestrian Impact Prevention, your vehicle is equipped to better see them and avoid them. This system constantly monitors the road ahead to identify and track pedestrians. It projects that image to an interior display screen, AND should an impact become likely, Pedestrian impact prevention takes steps to avoid a collision.
Front camera - A clearer view of what lay before you! The front camera helps you see obstacles and hazards you might have missed by showing enhanced images of what is ahead. The front camera is an extra set of eyes that's both convenient and safe.
Front seatbelt pretensioners - tighten up. When you stop suddenly front seatbelt pretensioners make sure your body doesn’t keep going. They remove any slack in the seatbelt when you hit the brakes or are involved in a collision so you stay in place. Stay strapped in with front seatbelt pretensioners.
Rear camera - Watching your back! The rear camera helps you see obstacles and hazards you otherwise couldn't by showing enhanced images of what is behind you. The rear camera is an extra set of eyes that's both convenient and safe.
Aerial View Camera - Be above the fray. Aerial View Camera makes low speed maneuvers such as parking or reversing easier than ever. By using a composite image from cameras positioned around the vehicle to give you a top-down view, you can see all the obstacles in your way. Thanks to Aerial View Camera, taking it from the top means doing it once.
This safety feature is more easily visible to following drivers and helps them react quicker to a slowing or stopped vehicle.
Hill hold control - Don’t go back. You know the feeling - you're stopped on a hill and you’re worried about your vehicle rolling backwards when you release the brakes. This is even more worrisome when you’re towing. With hill hold control, the vehicle automatically applies brake force to prevent itself from rolling back. So whether you’re towing a heavy load or simply stopped on a steep incline, hill hold control keeps you on the up and up.
Illuminated entry - see what you’re getting into. Take away any potential surprises with illuminated entry. It lights the interior before you open the door, and stays on for a period of time after the door is closed making it easier to get in after dark, and to see if anyone might be lurking inside. Get added safety and convenience from illuminated entry.
Ignition immobilizer - Theft is a non-starter. You can feel more secure about your vehicle being there when you come back. Ignition immobilizer is a passive security system consisting of a transmitter in the ignition key and a sensor located in the vehicle. If both are not present or do not recognize each other, the vehicle will not start. Ignition immobilizer a sure-fire way to prevent the theft of your vehicle.
Auto high-beam headlamps. Safety equipment as considerate as you are. With auto high-beam headlamps, you don’t have to manually switch from high to low and back again every time a vehicle approaches. They automatically adjust intensity in response to surrounding traffic - whether that's oncoming vehicles or while you're following a vehicle. Auto high-beam headlamps promote highbeam use for increased visibility and safety for you while reducing the intensity and glare for them.
LED brake lights - Stand out in back. LED brake lights give you an edge on safety. They light up faster and are brighter than incandescent bulbs, giving you greater visibility sooner to the cars behind you. The faster they know you’re stopping, the safer everyone is, especially at night. LED bulbs are also longer lasting and more efficient than traditional bulbs. Speed is of the essence with LED brake lights.
LED daytime running lights - Brighten your day. LED daytime running lights increase your visibility to oncoming traffic and in adverse weather conditions, so you can be seen and be safe. LED lights are also brighter and more efficient that incandescent bulbs, for even greater visibility to other drivers. Stand out all the time, with LED daytime running lights.
LED fog lights - Clearly better. When the haze settles in, LED fog lights are ready to make short work of it. They make driving fog-covered roads less stressful by giving you greater visibility to other drivers, and of what’s ahead. When things get hazy, clear it up with LED fog lights.
LED low and high beam headlamps - Light up the night. LED low and high beam headlamps produce an intense bluish-white light that more closely resembles natural daylight. In turn, you get a clearer view of the road ahead after the sun goes down. LED low and high beam headlamps are the perfect accessory for going out at night
Lane departure prevention - Keep it between the lines. It only takes a moment of inattention for your vehicle to drift. With lane departure prevention, your vehicle takes corrective action to help you avoid unintentionally moving out of your lane. Lane departure prevention is an extra level of safety for you and those around you.
Left side camera - Sidelong look. Left side camera displays images from the driver side of your vehicle on a central display screen. It's a second set of eyes for a clearer view, making certain maneuvers that much safer. Left side camera helps you make the right move.
Manual rear child safety door locks - Keep it all inside. Manual rear child safety locks help prevent a kid’s fidgets from becoming a big problem. Because if kids can touch it, they want to play with it, and that includes door handles and locks. When enabled, the safety locks stop the doors from being opened from the inside. Manual rear child safety door locks replace mistakes with peace of mind.
This headlamp layout provides improved lighting due to the dedicated task assigned to each bulb.
The combination of seatbelt and airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury occupants may sustain in the event of a crash, compared to a vehicle without airbags.
Pickup box camera - Don't lose sight. Being distracted by the worry of whether or not your load is staying in place is no way to drive. Keep an eye on your cargo with this camera that displays the truck bed contents on the interior display, so you can forge ahead confidently. With the pickup box camera you can be sure you don’t lose your load.
LED pickup box cargo light - Light it up to load it up. The sun may have set, but the work ain’t done. Beat back the dark with this LED pickup box cargo light. It provides the light you need so you can keep loading up when the sun is down. An LED pickup box cargo light can’t lift the cargo for you, but it can show you the way.
Rain detecting wipers - rain, rain, go away. When it starts to pour, the last thing you want to do is take your eyes off the road to find the windshield wiper switch; not to mention constantly adjusting the wipers as the rain gets heavier or lightens up. Rain detecting wipers take care of it for you. They use sensors to measure moisture hitting the windshield and adjust the wiper speed accordingly. Rain detecting wipers help you see clearly, automatically.
Rear collision mitigation - It has your back. Rear collision mitigation uses sensors to monitor the area behind you. If it senses an impending crash, it activates certain features to help prevent a collision or reduce the severity of it. Put your worries behind you with rear collision mitigation.
The additional chest coverage provides upper body support during a collision.
Aero-composite headlamps - Light up the night. These durable composite headlamps use internal multi-reflectors rather than the lens to produce excellent lighting while also blending in with the aerodynamics and style of the vehicle. Plus, if a headlamp burns out you can replace just the bulb rather than the whole fixture. Aero-composite headlamps are designed to shine.
Remote activated perimeter approach lighting - See what you’re getting into. Approaching your vehicle in the dark can be treacherous without remote activated perimeter approach lighting. From the seriousness of spotting someone hiding to the simplicity of not wanting to step in something, this lighting system provides illumination around your vehicle when you unlock the doors with your keyfob. From courtesy to caution, remote activated perimeter approach lighting gets glowing reviews.
Panic alarm. Don't stand so close to me. Whether you're attempting to chase off unwanted people around your vehicle or around you, panic alarm can help. Using the button on the keyfob activates the vehicle's horn or siren to draw attention to the vehicle, and the last thing criminals want is attention. Panic alarm ensures you won’t go quietly.
Right side camera - Sidelong look. This camera displays images from the passenger side of your vehicle on a central display screen. It's a second set of eyes for a clearer view, making certain maneuvers that much safer. Right side camera helps you make the right move.
Seat mounted driver side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted driver side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted driver side impact airbag.
Seat mounted passenger side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted passenger side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted passenger side impact airbag.
Security system - Burglar Beware! Discourage vehicle theft and vandalism with a security system. It has the means to anticipate and or/detect unwanted vehicle intrusion. Get added piece of mind your ride is protected no matter where it is, with a security system.
Anti-roll control - Don’t get tipsy. While you appreciate the higher viewpoint of your vehicle, the high center of gravity can make it harder to maintain control during fast cornering maneuvers. Anti-roll control senses and corrects possible rollover situations by employing the braking and engine control systems when needed. Keep all four wheels on the ground with anti-roll control.
Restricted driving mode - Know their limits. Giving up your keys doesn’t mean giving up control when you have restricted driving mode. You can set limits on things like music volume and speed to reduce your stress and worry when someone else is using the vehicle. Whether it’s your teen-aged driver or a valet, you can help ensure they’re driving safely with restricted driving mode.
Tire specific low air pressure warning - A heads up when you’re down. Consider tire specific low air pressure warning a performance feature. A low tire can negatively effect gas mileage and the safety of your vehicle, as well as cause costly damage to your rims. When a tire is running low, a warning light appears so you know which specific wheel it is and can attend to the problem. Get the most performance from your tires thanks to tire specific low air pressure warning.
Blind spot warning - Protect your blind side. You checked the mirror, looked over your shoulder and still nearly collided with the car next to you. Blind spot warning alerts you to the presence of a vehicle to your sides or rear so you know if you're about to make an unsafe lane change. Replace fear and uncertainty with confidence and safety with blind spot warning.
Front and rear parking sensors - Park like a pro! Using front and rear parking sensors low speed maneuvers such as parking or reversing are easier than ever. So back into that parking spot confidently. Parallel park without the bumper taps! Now any spot is the perfect spot when your have front and rear parking sensors.
Seat Memory - Save your seat. You don’t have to recreate all the tweaks and fiddles that got you the perfect seated position every time someone else drives. Settle into your comfort zone faster with memory settings that remember your favorite position automatically. Thanks to seat memory, sharing a seat just got easier.
60-40 folding rear seat - Down for whatever. Sometimes you need a little more room for your cargo. Other need a lot more room. 60-40 split folding rear seat provides you with added versatility so you can load passengers and cargo in multiple combinations. Fold one side down for long items and still have room for your passengers. Or fold both sides down to load large items. With 60-40 folding rear seat, it all fits.
Automatic air conditioning - Constantly fiddling with the A-C controls to maintain the cabin temperature is frustrating and distracting. Automatic air conditioning takes care of it for you by automatically adjusting the thermostat and fan settings as needed to maintain the temperature you select. Keep your cool, with automatic air conditioning.
Individual driver and front passenger seats provide generous room and comfort.
This enhances cab appearance and adds sound and weather insulation.
Floor mats protect the vehicle floor covering from dirt and wear and can easily be removed for cleaning.
Deep tinted windows - a dark outlook. Sometimes the road ahead being bright is a bad thing. Deep tinted windows tame the level of light entering your vehicle meaning less eye fatigue; and they offer reprieve from prying eyes, too. Take the edge off the sunshine with deep tinted windows.
Power reclining driver seat - Lean back. Gain some space between you and the wheel with power reclining driver seat. It lets you adjust the angle of the seatback at the touch of a button for added comfort while you’re driving, or for a more comfortable rest while you’re pulled over. Settle in, with power reclining driver seat.
Power 2-way driver lumbar - It’s got your back. How you feel while driving is just as important as how your car drives. Enhance your comfort with power 2-way driver lumbar. Simply set it to the support you want for your lower back, and it will reduce the strain you would feel otherwise. Power 2-way driver lumbar supports your right to drive comfortably.
8-way driver seat - Comfort that conforms to you! It doesn't matter how long your drive is; if you aren't comfortable while you're behind the wheel, every trip feels like a chore. With 8-way driver seat, finding the perfect position is easy, so you can sit back, (or up, or a little forward), relax and enjoy the journey.
Dual zone front climate controls - comfort is on your side. They’re too hot, so you change the temp and now…. you’re too cold. Stop the wild temperature swings inside the cabin with dual zone front climate controls. The driver and front passenger can set their individual preference so no one has to settle for the unhappy medium. Find your own comfort zone with dual zone front climate controls.
Fold-up rear seat cushion - up for whatever. Sometimes you need a little more floorspace for your cargo and fold-up rear seat cushion makes it easy to get it. With very little effort the seat cushion folds up against the seatback for quick and simple space gains. With fold-up rear seat cushion, it all fits.
Power 2-way passenger lumbar - It’s got their back. How your passengers feel while riding around is just as important as how the car drives. Enhance their comfort with this power 2-way passenger lumbar. Your passenger simply sets it to the support they want for their lower back, and it will reduce the strain they would feel otherwise. Power 2-way passenger lumbar supports your passengers for a better experience.
8-way passenger seat - Comfort that conforms to you! It doesn't matter how long your ride is; if you aren't comfortable every trip feels like a chore. With 8-way passenger seat, finding the perfect position is easy, so you can sit back, (or up, or a little forward), relax and enjoy the journey.
Front seat center armrest - comfort in the middle ground. There’s room for two to relax with front seat center armrest. It divides the front seating positions with a top that both the driver and passenger can use. Front seat center armrest puts your comfort front and center.
Full coverage flooring enhances the interior appearance and provides an added layer of sound insulation.
Full coverage flooring enhances the interior appearance and provides an added layer of sound insulation.
Heated driver and front passenger seatbacks - That’s hot. Heated driver and front passenger seatbacks provide more targeted warmth so you can get comfortable quicker in cold weather. If you have lower back pain, you might also be soothed by the heat while you drive. No matter the weather, find comfort in heated driver and front passenger seatbacks.
Heated rear seats - That’s hot. Heated rear seats provide more targeted warmth so passengers can get comfortable quicker in cold weather. If they have lower back pain, they might also be soothed by the heat during the drive. No matter the weather, find comfort in the heated rear seats.
Heated steering wheel - A warm touch. Trying to drive with bulky winter gloves on isn't always easy. Keep your hands warm in cold temperatures so you can ditch the mitts and get a firm grip with this heated steering wheel.
Height adjustable front seat head restraints - the height of safety. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to keeping you safe, and that’s why there are height adjustable front seat head restraints. They allow you to place the restraint at the correct height behind your head, providing greater neck protection in the event of a collision. Get it to the right place for the right time with Height adjustable front seat head restraints.
Height adjustable rear seat head restraints - the height of safety. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to keeping you safe, and that’s why there are height adjustable rear seat head restraints. They allow you to place the restraint at the correct height behind your head, providing greater neck protection in the event of a collision. Get it to the right place for the right time with height adjustable rear seat head restraints.
Cruise on in style. The leather and metal-looking steering wheel material has sections of leather and metal-like plastic for a comfortable and stylish grip.
Leather seat upholstery - superior sitting. There’s more class in the cabin with leather seat upholstery. The leather material is luxurious to the touch, offers a distinctive look, and is easy to clean. Put a little luxury behind you with leather seat upholstery.
Leather rear seat upholstery - superior sitting. There’s more class in the cabin with leather rear seat upholstery. The leather material is luxurious to the touch, offers a distinctive look, and is easy to clean. Put a little luxury behind you with leather rear seat upholstery.
Power passenger seat cushion tilt - Tilted in your favor. Comfort is key to enjoying your drive, and it begins with your seat. With tilt, you can raise or lower the angle of the seat cushion with the push of a button to reduce fatigue and find the perfect position to enjoy the drive. Power passenger seat cushion tilt puts you in the right spot.
Power telescopic steering wheel - Easy to fit in. The most comfortable position for your steering wheel while you drive can mean having to squeeze past it to get in and out of the vehicle. Making the adjustments manually every time is cumbersome as well. With the power telescopic steering wheel it's all done electronically, making it easy to find the perfect fit.
Power tilt steering wheel - Easy to fit in. The most comfortable position for your steering wheel while you drive can mean having to squeeze past it to get in and out of the vehicle. Making the adjustments manually every time is cumbersome as well. With the power tilt steering wheel it's all done electronically, making it easy to find the perfect fit.
This feature provides increased comfort for rear seat passengers.
A center armrest contributes to a more comfortable driving environment.
Split-bench rear seat - Down for whatever. Sometimes you need a little more room for your cargo. Other need a lot more room. Split-bench rear seats provide you with added versatility so you can load passengers and cargo in multiple combinations. Fold one side for long items and still have room for your passengers. Or fold both sides to load large items. With split-bench rear seats, it all fits.
Ventilated front seats -That’s cool. Ventilated front seats provides targeted cool air so you and your passenger can get comfortable quicker in hot weather. Getting comfortable is no sweat when you have ventilated front seats.
This provides an attractive, finished appearance.
Voice-activated climate control - Talking temperature. Saying it’s "too hot" or it’s "too cold" is no longer just complaining; you’re affecting change. The climate control system is voice activated and responds to your commands to adjust the temperature. Not only is it easier to stay comfortable, you can keep your hands on the wheel for a safer drive. With voice-activated climate control, it’s no sweat.
Automatic air conditioning - Constantly fiddling with the A-C controls to maintain the cabin temperature is frustrating and distracting. Automatic air conditioning takes care of it for you by automatically adjusting the thermostat and fan settings as needed to maintain the temperature you select. Keep your cool, with automatic air conditioning.
Multiple AC power outlets - power on the go! Some of the items you need to use throughout your day don’t come with ‘car chargers’; but with Multilple AC power outlets, that doesn’t have to stop you. You can plug them in without an adaptor, allowing you to use what you need when you need it. Thanks to Multiple AC power outlets there will never be a time when you don’t have the energy.
2 seatback storage pockets - stowaway in back. When you want them to keep it down back there, keep the entertainment options back there with 2 seatback storage pockets. They’re a convenient place for keeping maps, magazines, toys, and other small items for easy access. Keep your vehicle tidy, and backseat passengers happy with 2 seatback storage pockets.
Key integrated remote control - Fob-ulous! Remember when you unlocked your door and started your vehicle with the same key? Those days are back with key integrated remote control! Instead of using a fob and then searching your key chain for your vehicle key, the keyfob is part of your car key. With key integrated remote control, it’s one stop to get going.
Auto-dimming driver side mirror - Getting blinded by the lights can really rev you up. But with an auto-dimming driver side mirror, sensors and a film of light-sensitive molecules behind the mirror surface automatically react to bright light - dimming and reducing glare. The auto-dimming driver side mirror doesn't let what's behind you affect what's ahead.
Auto-dimming rear view mirror - Getting blinded by the lights can really rev you up. But with the auto-dimming rear view mirror, the mirror surface automatically reacts to bright light - dimming and reducing glare. The auto-dimming rear view mirror doesn't let what's behind you affect what's ahead.
Auto-locking doors - Close out crime. Auto-locking doors make sure that would be intruders never make it past ‘would be’. It locks the doors automatically when the vehicle is put into gear or reaches a predetermined speed, so that no one can force themselves into your vehicle. With auto-locking doors, you are safe inside.
Battery charge warning - stay in charge. Battery charge warning helps you keep your vehicle going. Your battery powers the vehicles electrical systems and if it dies, you’ll be stranded. If it is not producing enough charge, a message or specific light illuminates to let you know it’s time for more juice. You'll never be shocked by your battery dying when you have battery charge warning.
Brake pad wear indicator - stop guessing. Keep your stopping power strong with brake pad wear indicator. It lets you know when the brake pads need to be replaced so you can keep the most important safety feature on your vehicle in good working order. Brake pad wear indicator helps you ensure your safety doesn’t lapse.
Capless fuel filler - Fill it in a flash. You don’t have to worry about forgetting your gas cap at the station any more, thanks to capless fuel filler! You simply insert the nozzle directly through the spring-loaded flap and start pumping. Plus, it has an anti-siphoning filler neck so you don’t have to worry about fuel theft. Getting gas is quick and easy with capless fuel filler.
Compass display - Find your way. It can be easy to get turned around while you’re driving. Compass display can straighten you out. It will help you navigate to any destination by showing you the direction in which the vehicle is traveling. Go north at the coffee shop? No problem. Turn west at the red barn? You got it. When you have compass display you have direction.
Covered floor console storage - Hide to prevent the seek. With covered floor console storage you don’t have to choose between bringing all your valuables with you or leaving them in the car and risking them being stolen. The covered space prevents prying eyes from seeing what you have inside the vehicle, and that helps prevent theft. With covered floor console storage you can leave your valuables behind and always take peace of mind with you.
Cruise control with steering wheel mounted controls. Set it and forget it. Road trips used to be stressful, until cruise control set the pace. Simply set the desired speed using the steering wheel mounted controls and it will maintain that speed without driver intervention. This can help minimize driver fatigue and improve overall fuel economy. Resting your right foot is right at your fingertips thanks to cruise control with steering wheel mounted controls.
Day-night rear view mirror - Getting blinded by the lights can really rev you up. But with day-night rear view mirror you can reduce the glare by adjusting the angle with the flip of a switch. The day-night rear view mirror doesn't let what's behind you affect what's ahead.
Passenger door bin - storage by their side! From spare change to hair ties, a door bin is a convenient place for your passenger to put smaller items. It’s location on the interior of the door puts it all within easy reach. You can store and access it in a flash, with a passenger door bin.
Driver and passenger one-touch up windows - A touch is all it takes. When you’re ready to shut out the outside world, driver and passenger one-touch up windows make it easy. One push is all you need to completely raise the windows. Close up fast with driver and passenger one-touch up windows.
Driver foot rest - Put your foot up. Driver's foot rest - or dead pedal - is located on the left side of the footwell and provides the driver a solid place to brace themselves from movement as well as aiding in comfort on long trips. Sit back and relax with a driver foot rest.
This feature helps to keep the driver informed about the status of systems on the vehicle.
The addition of a visor mirror increases the functionality of the visor.
Easy lift tailgate. Grunting free. You have enough hard work to do; closing your tailgate shouldn’t be a part of that. Easy lift reduces the effort required to shut the tailgate so you can save your energy for the work ahead. Make it effortless on the back end with easy lift tailgate.
Easy lower tailgate - Let it down easy. Reduce the surprises and possible injuries that can come after you pop the latch with Easy Lower Tailgate. The mechanism opens the tailgate in a controlled manner, giving you one less thing to worry about. This easy lower tailgate is a smooth operator.
Exterior temperature display - What temp is it? You will know exactly what you’re about to step into with exterior temperature display. The ambient air temperature outside is displayed inside your vehicle so you know whether you need a sunhat or wool cap. Exterior temperature display provides you with a heads up, before you head out.
Front and rear one-touch down windows - A touch is all it takes. Get the fresh-air you want with ease thanks to front and rear one-touch down windows. One push is all you need to completely lower the windows. Open up fast with front and rear one-touch down windows.
Beverage holders prevent spills and free the driver's hands, which increases safe operation of the vehicle.
Front reading lights - Bright on target. Turning on the dome light while you’re moving can be distracting for the driver and make it harder to see out of the car. That’s where front reading lights come in handy. They are brighter and more focused than the overhead dome light, so you can use them to look at maps or relax with some other reading material without affecting the driver. See what you need to see with front reading lights!
Front inductive mobile device charging - No strings attached! Trying to plug in your mobile device while your driving is at best a hassle, and at worst, distracting and dangerous. Now all you have to do to charge it up is put it down. Simply placing your device on the charger activates the wireless process. Front inductive mobile device charging makes it that much easier to get powered up and stay connected.
Full floor console - The great divide. Full floor console separates the front seating areas and divides the footwell while giving you convenient access to storage and more. When it comes to what you need, full floor console doesn’t go halfway.
Garage door transmitter - Click to Open. With garage door transmitter, you don’t have to worry about losing your opener or having that unsightly thing hanging off your visor anymore. By programming the integrated buttons in the vehicle, you can open and close your garage door without an external device. Garage door transmitter makes your entrance and exit buttoned up.
Lights on warning - Don’t get left in the dark. Oh, the pain of a dead battery because you left the lights on. Lights on warning lets you know if the headlamps are still on after you’ve turned off the engine so you can turn them off, too. Lights on warning means you won’t be a drain on your battery.
Heated passenger side door mirror - See what thaws. Whether it’s the convenience of not having to stand out in the cold to scrape it off before you get going, or the safety of clearing the frost that accumulates while you drive, the heated passenger side door mirror is easy to warm up to. Get better visibility for a safer drive with your heated passenger side door mirror.
Illuminated driver vanity mirror - Look into the light. Whether it’s make-up on the go, or a quick glance before a big interview, illuminated driver vanity mirror can reassure you you’re looking your best. And since it has lighting, you can even check up on yourself before your big night out. Reflect on how you look anytime with illuminated driver vanity mirror.
Illuminated passenger vanity mirror - Look into the light. Whether it’s make-up on the go, or a quick glance before a big interview, illuminated passenger vanity mirror can reassure you you’re looking your best. And since it has lighting, you can even check up on yourself before your big night out. Reflect on how you look anytime with illuminated passenger vanity mirror.
Key location warning - Saved by the bell. Key location warning helps you keep your keys with you. A message or chime will let you know if the key is still in the ignition when the engine is not running and the driver's door has been opened, or if the key is out of range of the vehicle. Knowledge is...well, you know...and you’ll always have it with key location warning.
Keyfob activated door locks (all doors) - all for one! With keyfob activated door locks on all doors, getting everyone in to get going has never been easier. Now, no one has to wait for you to get in to unlock their door. And once you’ve arrived, secure your vehicle as you walk away with a touch of a button. Keyfob activated door locks for all doors is a key part of convenience.
Keyfob engine start control - Get an early start. Remotely start your vehicle's engine from the key fob, ensuring your ride is ready to go when you get in. Now you can stay comfortable inside while your vehicle gets comfortable outside, thanks to Keyfob engine start control.
Keyfob cargo access control - Load up without the set down. With keyfob cargo access control, packing up your vehicle is easy. The keyfob unlocks the cargo door or lid so you don’t have to set your cargo down, unlock, then pick your cargo back up before you load it in. With just a push of a button, the cargo area is ready for your stuff. Keyfob cargo access control helps you take a load off.
Keyfob window control - Open up remotely. Get a head start on cooling off your hot vehicle by letting fresh air in before you even get to the door. Roll the windows down using your keyfob, and enjoy a more comfortable entry into your vehicle, thanks to Keyfob window control.
Proximity key with keyless entry and push button start - Now close counts in horseshoes and car handles. You know you have your keys on you, but where exactly you're not sure. There's no need to dig around for them. Thanks to Proximity key with keyless entry and push button start you can get in and get going, all with your keys safe and sound - wherever that is...
Locking glove box - Hide to prevent the seek. With locking glove box you don’t have to choose between bringing all your valuables with you or leaving them in the car and risking them being stolen. Prying eyes can’t see what’s in the glove box, and the lock provides an extra layer of protection. With a locking glove box you can leave your valuables behind and always take peace of mind with you.
Low fuel warning - don’t come up empty. Low fuel warning reminds you when it’s time to fill up. There’s never a good time to run out of gas so don’t play a guessing game and end up stranded. Low fuel warning helps you keep moving.
Door mirror memory - A memorable view. Having your mirrors right is important for a safe drive, but getting them in the just right position after someone else has driven is a real hassle. Door mirror memory makes it easy. When your driver profile is loaded, the door mirrors automatically return to your preferred position. It’s easy to see the convenience of Door mirror memory.
Mini overhead console - Top notch. A mini overhead console can provide convenient storage and access to helpful features, like map lights. When it comes to usefulness, mini overhead console is above the rest.
Overhead console storage- - Top notch. Overhead console storage provides a convenient place for things like sunglasses and garage door openers. When it comes to usefulness, overhead console storage is above the rest.
The addition of a visor mirror increases the functionality of the visor.
Power door locks with 2 stage unlocking - Easy in for everybody. The most convenient way to get into your car is with power door locks. With 2 stage unlocking, one more click will open up the rest of the doors, too. This way you can open up for your passengers, or have the security of just opening up for yourself. Choose who you let in with power door locks with 2-stage unlocking.
Power passenger door mirror with tilt-down in reverse - change your point of view. The power door mirror makes it easy to get the right sightlines for your drive. But it does more than just benefit you going forward. When you’re in reverse, the tilt-down feature moves the mirror automatically to help you spot hidden obstacles near the lower half of your vehicle. Going forward or backing out, the Power passenger door mirror with tilt-down in reverse is the best way to see what’s coming.
Power first-row side windows - Drop the roll. Staying in shape is good, but do you really need the full arm workout of manual windows? All it takes is a push of a button with power first-row side windows. When you’re ready to get some fresh air, or have had enough of it, let your finger do all the work for you. Stop the twists and turns of trying to open a window with power first-row side windows.
Power folding side door mirrors - Fold on the fly. Fitting into a tight parking space or narrow garage is easier with power folding side door mirrors. They swing inward at the push of a button so you don’t have to fold them in manually. Power folding side door mirrors mean you don’t have to get out to squeeze in.
Power open and close tailgate - On-demand access. When your arms are full of cargo, the last thing you want to do is set it all down just to open the tailgate, then pick it all back up to load it in. By remotely opening and closing, power tailgate lets you skip straight to the loading. Load and go with Power open and close tailgate.
Power rear windshield - back draft. Let the breeze through with power rear windshield. With a touch of the button you’ve opened up the interior for a more refreshing drive. If it gets too windy or cold, it’s also effortless to close. Power rear windshield is open about being easy.
Power second-row side windows - Drop the roll. Staying in shape is good, but do you really need the full arm workout of manual windows? All it takes is a push of a button with power second-row side windows. When you’re ready to get some fresh air, or have had enough of it, let your finger do all the work for you. Stop the twists and turns of trying to open a window with power second-row side windows.
Rear seat check - a valuable back up. Rear seat check is a reminder to look in the back seat before you walk away from the vehicle. The safety feature activates when the vehicle is parked and turned off, giving you an audio/visual warning to help you remember to bring groceries, pets, and most importantly, children, inside. With rear seat check, you get out what you put in.
Beverage holders prevent spills and free the driver's hands, which increases safe operation of the vehicle.
Rear door bins - storage by their side! From spare change to hair ties, a door bin is a convenient place to for your passengers to put smaller items. It’s location on the interior of the door puts it all within easy reach. You can store and access it in a flash, with a rear door bins.
This makes it easier to read in low light conditions.
Rear underseat tray - a secure seat. With rear underseat tray, you don’t have to choose between bringing all your valuables with you or leaving them in the car and risking them being stolen. The location under the seat prevents prying eyes from seeing what you have in there, and that helps prevent theft. With rear underseat tray you can leave your valuables behind and always take peace of mind with you.
This feature helps to remove frost/ice/snow for increased visibility.
Retained accessory power - It ain’t over yet. You turned off the vehicle and then realize you left the windows down. Retained accessory power lets you close up without a restart. Certain power features, like windows, sunroof, or radio, can continue to be operated for a set period of time after the engine has been turned off and before you open the door. With retained accessory power you have to energy to keep going.
Service interval indicator - right on schedule. Routine servicing of your vehicle helps extend its life and keep it running well. Reminders of when the service is needed helps keep your life running smoothly. The indicator light turns on when your vehicle needs to be taken in for routine servicing, so you don't have to worry about forgetting. Help keep your car thriving with the service interval indicator.
Steering wheel mounted audio controls - safe and sound. Steering wheel mounted audio controls allow you to keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road while you control the soundtrack to your drive. No more reaching for the dial, or glancing away from traffic to find the right station or song. Steering wheel mounted audio controls puts everything you need at your fingertips.
Tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks - all-around security. There are no extra openings for thieves when you have a tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks. It treats the tailgate or rear door just like any other door, so it gets locked when the rest of them do. With tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks, your cargo is safe and snug.
Tire fill assistant - Perfect pressure. Ditch the guessing game when it comes to filling up your tires. They need to be properly inflated for the best performance, and tire fill assistant makes it easy. By activating the horn or lights to let you know when your tires have reached the recommended amount of air, tire fill assistant ensures the perfect P-S-I.
Transmission fluid temperature warning - it’s getting hot in here! Transmission fluid temperature warning alerts you when your transmission is too hot. If your transmission overheats you can severely damage it, leaving you stranded and with a large repair bill. With Transmission fluid temperature warning, you can avoid pushing it.
Trip computer - Drive smarter. Know more about your journey with a trip computer. It can calculate and display things like current fuel consumption, average speed, or distance to empty. Knowledge is power, so have more of it behind the wheel with a trip computer.
A trip odometer is useful for keeping track of distance traveled during a trip or between fill-ups.
Turn signal on warning - straight to the point. We’ve all seen it, and we’ve all done it...but with turn-signal-on warning, you won’t be ‘that person’ again. The warning will sound if the turn signal is left on for an extended period of time, helping eliminate any confusion or frustration to drivers behind you. When your turn doesn’t turn off the signal, turn signal on warning lets you know.
Variable instrument panel lighting - just right bright. Variable instrument panel lighting helps you see what you need to see. If the instrument panel is too bright, it can irritate your eyes and affect your vision of the road ahead. Too dark, and you can’t find what you’re looking for. You set the brightness so you always get the perfect amount of light for your eyes. Variable instrument panel lighting helps get you comfortable in the dark.
The variable intermittent setting allows the wipers to be adjusted based on the amount of moisture the vehicle is driving through.